The Greedy World Of Blogging

When it comes to blogging, sometimes I want to punch myself in the face.

Yesterday morning I found out that I’m getting sent a bike to “review.” A BIKE. I’ve mentioned before how I’ve been riding the same green Diamondback bike around Chicago that I’ve had since my 4th grade birthday, I’ve left it unlocked to be stolen several times in Chicago but no one wants it.

So getting a new bike is big moment for me. I’m very excited.

I don’t want to sound like Bobby Boastful, but next week I also get to experience my first spa facial. This is another huge deal for me. A spa girl I am not, but next week… next week I AM.

So I have to admit, blogging is pretty alright sometimes. I was on a complete high yesterday morning thinking about my fancy new bike and all the cool stuff I’m going to do on it. Maybe I’ll fancy it up with some ribbons. A basket. Start a neighborhood bike gang. Add some pegs on the back that my middle school boyfriend named Ryan with blond spiky hair and a puka shelll necklace can ride on while we head to Dairy Queen to grab Dilly Bars. I don’t know, anything is possible!

And then I got out of my bubble and looked on Instagram. And Snapchat. And saw that Jenny Blogger is in Tahiti again. Last week she was in Paris. The week before Atlantis.

I want to travel. More specifically, for free. Who doesn’t?

Why not me? I’ve been blogging for 100 years now. Boo who. My life is hard. I hate blogging.

See what happened there? It’s never enough. You get one trip for free and then you want another. You get one bike, and then you want a car.

Blogging makes me more greedy than I’d like to admit sometimes. It’s embarrassing and gross to me, and that’s when the “punching myself in the face” comes into play. I’m beyond grateful for anything someone wants to send to me, and yet my greedy bell still goes off from time to time.

I didn’t start blogging for the free stuff. I didn’t know this world of “social influencers” was even a thing. But once I did…. it was a quick slide down hill.

It’s addicting to get stuff sent in the mail to you every day, I’ll just say it. It’s like a high. It makes my ego extremely happy. Look how very cool I am. I must show everyone all the free stuff I get because I’m so important. But my ego’s happiness never lasts long, because suddenly it thinks, if I’m getting this I wonder what Stacey Blogger down the street is getting. Probably a lot more. I want more. 

And so the cycle continues.

I justify this behavior by telling myself it’s my JOB! It’s okay to want more free stuff. And that’s true-ish. But sometimes it’s just me being a terrible person wanting more stacked rings and free dresses, whilst trying to keep up with everyone else in this weird game we’re all playing.

I’m admitting too much right now, aren’t I?

For the most part I think the world of blogging is wonderful. I love the opportunities it’s given me and women in general. There’s a lot of really smart women bloggers doing awesome things and using their platform for great purposes and that’s very admirable to me.

I’m simply saying that for me personally, even though I might have one of the coolest bikes in the neighborhood now, let’s not forget that I was on that forest green Diamondback for fifteen years previous.

It’s Friday, everyone. Do the damn thing. The river is turning green tomorrow and so am I.



  1. March 11, 2016 / 12:03 pm

    this just made me laugh out loud! You're so lucky you're getting a bike, that is so rad! I cant wait to see how you Instagram it! xx

  2. March 11, 2016 / 12:31 pm

    Ok so after reading this post you are Jenny Blogger to me, because I didn't get the free bike…I had my fingers crossed but knew deep down I wouldn't get chosen (if we are talking about the same bike campaign). Darn it! πŸ™‚

  3. March 11, 2016 / 12:33 pm

    I definitely think it is natural to cave in the sort of jealous competitiveness sometimes, in fact, I've actually been feeling that a lot this week. I think the fact that you even recognize it and get irritated by it is a really good sing though, it means you don't want to be this crazy greedy person. In the meantime I think the bike and facial are going to be amazing and I am sure there will be more wonderful opportunities around the corner!

  4. March 11, 2016 / 1:05 pm

    You're totally human. I think being self aware of how you feel about getting free stuff is amazing. Some people still feel entitled and they continue to think that they deserve everything because of what they do. While yes, it is your job, you know how fortunate you are to be in the position that you're in, and when you start to lose touch of reality you find a way to keep yourself grounded again. That's pretty impressive. πŸ™‚

  5. March 11, 2016 / 1:22 pm

    I just want t o be offered SOMETHING! I dont even get comments. meh.

    • March 11, 2016 / 1:24 pm

      took me four years to get comments πŸ™‚

  6. March 11, 2016 / 1:27 pm

    A bike AND a facial. yes. this is really cool. i got some lotion that i already told you about.

  7. March 11, 2016 / 3:16 pm

    File this one under unrelatable to the masses. I get it, you're human and just being honest, but man. I just don't understand the "it's your job" bit as your reasoning behind it. Are you a bike blogger, advising others on what bikes to buy? Or did you really just want a new bike and not want to pay for it even though you can clearly afford it? I really don't mean to come off like a twat, and I know I am, but it's just sad to see this is what blogging has become. Sponsored posts because free things and easy money. We all love free shit, but to deem your worthiness based on what shit you're graciously given or not and then feel sad because it's not more…is just beyond sad. You've got a good thing going, so why do you give a shit what the other Sally bloggers out there are doing?

    • March 11, 2016 / 6:15 pm

      I'll try to respond without sounding like a total bitch. I worked in PR for several years. The best form of "advertising" these days is sending things to bloggers and having them test it and write about it so their visitors can learn about the product. Nobody these days cares at all about traditional ads, so companies now purchase fewer ads and use the budget to send promotional products in order to increase awareness while also hopefully getting positive reviews of their stuff. It's also a great way for small businesses to gain exposure.

      Sponsored posts are clearly here to stay, and if a blogger says "no" to one, there are thousands of others who are willing to say yes. So you'll have to get over that or never read blogs ever again.

      It's simple: people like to buy products based on reviews from others that they deem trustworthy, which Taylor is. If she told me that some bike was wonderful, then I would believe her. Hell, if I was in the market for a bike, I'd consider whatever she said was good, even though she isn't a "bike blogger," because she's real about everything else. And really, why do you care about whether or not she can afford a new bike for herself?

      It's no secret that companies want their products to go to the bloggers they think will give them the best reviews and the most exposure possible. So Taylor has every right to feel a little jealous when she gets a, I don't know, tube of chap stick to try out while Sally gets a free trip to the Kentucky Derby. You know why she can feel that way? Because she works hard. Yes, it is work – I could never write 4 blog posts a week in addition to all the social media, emails, photos and everything else she does. I'm sure she's still excited about the chap stick (I would be too), but it's completely normal to want to get to the "next level." Just like how people in the corporate world want a promotion or raise, to be the one who gets to go on the fun work trips, etc. In that way, I don't think at all that it's "unrelateable to the masses."

      Plus she already pointed out that she wants to punch herself sometimes for feeling that way, so no reason to tell her she's "beyond sad." I feel a little sad that you took the time to write such a misinformed comment.

  8. March 11, 2016 / 3:35 pm

    So here's the thing, "it's my job" in that I'm getting paid to write about a new line of bikes, not for "biker bloggers" but for normal people, people like me who live in a city who use a bike to get around. And yes, I really did want a new bike because as i said my last one is so crappy it hardly gets around. Nope, I can't afford a new bike right now or I would have bought one. I'm getting married this summer and weddings are expensive. As for being sad that blogging has become this I like to think I balance paid with not paid posts pretty well. But at the end of the day, I do have to pay my bills and I consider myself lucky I get to do via blogging. I don't deem my self worth based on shit I've been given, but I do sometimes deem my blog worth. I know that's not the best probably, but I'm being honest here. It's exactly what I do with comedy and acting, the better comedians and actors get the better gigs, same with blogging. Same with most things in life though, right? And yes, I said it's sad I get greedy, I said it's gross even, that was the point of this post… I give a shit about Sally Bloggers in the same way anyone else gives a shit about people they are up against at work. I just want to continue to pay bills. I appreciate you saying I have a good thing going, but your comment was a little twatty, obviously my post rubbed you the wrong way. Different strokes for different folks.

    • March 11, 2016 / 5:38 pm

      As a dedicated reader, I'm sure I can say for many people that we know you'll get there! I found this blog through another (I will NOT say which one, because that would be bitchy and, also, I know the person), and you handle paid vs. unpaid posts SO well – so much better than this person. I honestly can't believe she gets better stuff than you (and soon maybe she won't, because I know she's had dropoff since everything became so obviously paid). I'm sure you get a lot more opportunities than you take, and thank you for not jumping on each possible thing. Helps keep it real in here!

      I wish I still worked in PR so I could give you everything.

  9. March 11, 2016 / 4:04 pm

    I love what you wrote in the comment above — "I don't deem my self worth based on shit I've been given, but I do sometimes deem my blog worth." It's true. At the end of the day, we pour a lot of time and effort into these spaces on the web and hell yes, it's nice to get a payout.

  10. March 11, 2016 / 6:26 pm

    I've been blogging for a few years now and I didn't realize for the longest time that people are *paid* to travel to all of these exotic locations and are given free clothes and stuff! I always thought it was just a bunch of rich people just living awesome lifestyles! But then it occurred to me, they are like, *always* on a vacation, how can that be? Then I learned the truth! Say what???? Pay me to travel and I blog about it! Sign me up! Where are all of our free vacations??? I just found your blog through Friday Favorites and I'm going to be following you now! Looking forward to your new bike!

  11. March 11, 2016 / 7:28 pm

    Oh is it bows? Lol…I could be guessing totally wrong, but I did see she was traveling again. Why even have an apartment? I had to unfollow her – not because of her traveling – but because of her piss poor attitude about the world not revolving around her all the time. Standing in the airport one time snapping about how they didn't let her cut the line. If we are talking about different people then sorry lol. But wow those comments. I have to say, as a newish blogger I am already getting real sick of reading all the sponsored crap that's out there, but you are one of the very few who do it in a way that doesn't make me want to punch you in the face. And you more than balance it out with your original topics. So just keep doing you. You'll get to Paris eventually πŸ˜‰

  12. March 12, 2016 / 3:30 am

    Yesterday I saw something I wanted for our cats and I said "I wonder if I could get one for free to review…" and then I winced. I swear, deep down… I want to believe I'm not that person, but who doesn't enjoy the freebies that come with blogging!?

    To be fair, I do honestly appreciate and enjoy the things I get to review (well, except the scary things like that one time when a company sent me butt acne cream – what the hell was that even about!?).

  13. March 12, 2016 / 7:33 am

    Maybe it's just me, but for the most part, sponsored posts turn me totally AWAY from wanting said product. I realize that the company is trying to get their product "out there," and that giving a few of them away is a lot cheaper than launching a national ad campaign. In my mind it's like, why would I want to buy it when they are just giving the shit away?

    • March 12, 2016 / 12:15 pm

      hmm I disagree. from the other side, whenever I send a blogger a shirt from my line I see a huge spike in sales. so some people apparently do like to buy stuff even when they see someone just "giving shit away." it's the best form of advertising I've come across.

  14. March 13, 2016 / 6:42 pm

    This is so spot-on. I get free things here and there, and am so gracious and thankful for them. But you know what? I've worked hard for those things as well, as have you. Blogging is a job (part-time for me, full-time for you) and getting paid via ads, sponsorships, or even "swag" is how we are paid.

    I like that you don't do tons of crazy sponsored posts that don't make any sense. I've never gotten a spa facial either (and I blog a lot about beauty stuff), so I'm actually jealous of you and will be living vicariously through you when that post goes up!

    Lastly, I SO here you on feeling weird when you see other bloggers getting certain freebies (especially those crazy trips/vacations) and not you. Especially when the partnership seems so irrelevant to them, and makes more sense for you. Just keeping doing what you're doing!

  15. March 14, 2016 / 7:33 am

    You are literally the first blog I somehow ever came across when I was freakin' 21 years old and didn't know what a blogger even was. I love your style of writing and your realness because you say what everyone else is thinking! Don't feel the need to defend yourself from anyone in the comments saying you're a bad person or whatever. You're human and you have jealous feelings every now and again and that's human nature and if you're not feeling that way then like, you are definitely the most life-like and stylish robot to exist this side of Chicago. Keep doin your thang Taylor.

  16. March 14, 2016 / 9:09 pm

    Couldn't agree more with this, haha. When I started out there was nothing and I was fine with that and then things came and other people had stuff and it's a snowball effect. I hope the green river weekend was fab πŸ™‚

  17. March 15, 2016 / 11:13 pm

    This is a very interesting take on sponsored posts and getting paid for blogging. I am a casual blogger, and have never done a sponsored post before.

    My reading pattern is that if the post starts by saying, "This is a sponsored post…" I'm much more likely to ignore it. It's not a 100% proposition, however.

  18. July 19, 2016 / 10:25 pm

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