Life Update: Summer Day 1.

After a few days off (or an entire week) of blogging I always have to ease myself back into the routine with a sort ramble/what I’ve been up to post. I hope we’re all okay with this by now.

First things first, the family vacay to North Carolina last week was a great time. Seashells were collected, beach drinks were sipped on, and of course the always changing tide was discussed. “But seriously, this island wasn’t here this morning, and now it is.” Mind. Blown.

And a few blog pics were taken…

New post idea: What it’s like going on vacation with a blogger. Hint: awful!

I flew back Saturday night to spend the rest of Memorial Weekend with Chris and Har. We brunched, got our rooftop ready for the season, went to a Cubs game, and did all of the fun things one does when it’s finally summer in Chicago.

And since tomorrow is the last day of May, I need to come clean and admit that I didn’t finish writing my book by May 16th like I boldly stated I would back in April. That makes about ten years now that I’ve missed my deadline. I don’t want to talk about it.

All of these destination weddings and family vacays have pulled me out of my groove these past few months. (Or at least that’s the excuse I’m telling myself this week.) Once upon a time I tricked myself into thinking I wanted to be a travel blogger (thanks, Instagram) but then I went on four back-to-back mini vacays/out-of-town-weddings and I’m all, nah I’m good. I’ve learned that I really really enjoy being home. I miss Har too much, and our couch, and my random little everyday routine.

Coffee in a to-go cup while I’m at the park with Har at 7:00 a.m., checking emails on the couch as the morning sets in, working at the kitchen table around noon, wine on the rooftop at night; it’s all of those little things that feel so nice after I’ve been gone too much.

There’s also that post-vacay anxiety that started to inch its way up more and more after each trip. I don’t recall this happening in my twenties and I’m certainly NOT a fan of it now. With each trip I went on this spring, I would come home with so much worry and made-up-problems in my head, I would just want to go straight to bed. Anyone else experience this wonderful feeling upon returning from a vacation? I figured out a few things that helped toward the end, so this may just require an entire post. “What’s In My Carry-On: Anxiety!” 

I realize there’s different degrees of anxiety, so I think it’s important to state I know mine is on the low scale and it typically only lasts a few hours and then it’s gone until next week (or until my next made up problem) and I’m lucky it doesn’t keep me from my normal routine (unless it’s a Monday.) But I feel for those that have it worse, because no matter how you look at it, it just sucks.

Anyway, am I sharing too much? Probably.

Let’s move along to posts coming this week. This is more for me than you because I need to get back into a writing routine.

*It’s My Seven Year Anniversary With Chicago!! Ahhhh! What I Love/What I Loathe About City Living.

*The Post About Anxiety- an even bigger AHHHH!

*So You’re Ready To Move In With Your Significant Other! Things You Should Know.*

(This one is mostly me ranting about one’s dishwasher loading style. And plant watering. And maybe spicy foods.)

And we can’t forget that “Going On Vacation With a Blogger” post.

Finally, there’s a new sweatshirt in my shop just in time for summer! I couldn’t find a USA sweatshirt that I loved (they were all stark white or covered in flags) and I wanted something more simple and easy to throw on on a chilly summer night. So I made my own!

You can find it by clicking here. Order it now so you can enjoy it all summer long 🙂

That’s all I’ve got for today. See you laterrrrr!


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