The 15 Types Of Bloggers You’ll Meet In Blogland

The I’m Going To Change The World Via Blogging Blogger
Because she really is. She’s organized, she’s smart, and she’s always one strategic step ahead of everyone else. And she’s probably donating all of the money she makes from her blog to an orphanage in Africa.

The I’m Just Here To Have A Good Time Blogger
She hasn’t discovered the politics of blogging yet, or if she has she just doesn’t care. She’s going to write what she wants, when she wants, and she doesn’t seem to mind whether anyone is reading or not.

The Trainwreck Blogger
Everything about this blog is like a bad car accident. You know it’s wrong and that you shouldn’t enjoy looking at it because clearly the poor girl just needs some help. And yet you just can’t click away…

The This Just Comes Easy To Me Blogger
We all know this one. She just started her blog a day ago and it already looks better than yours. Her photos are amazing, her posts are full of great content, and she responds to your comment before you even leave it. Blogging is just second nature to her.

The TMI Blogger
Gross, did she really just say that? Yes, she did. And even though we’ve all been guilty of it a time or two that doesn’t mean we’re ready to put it out there for the world to see. But hell, if she is more power to her.

The Humble Bragger Blogger
Her life is perfect and she (humbly) want you to acknowledge it. The hubs, the kids, the house, the Range Rover, the weekday mimosas. Yes, “life is good!” #blessed

The Prom Queen Blogger
You want to hate her but you can’t. She’s nice and pretty and even though you’re hoping it’s all a front you can just tell she’s probably a really good person after all. Damn her.

The OCD Blogger
BLOG OR DIE. Chances are she just started about six months ago and feels like she’s suddenly entered a new world she had no idea existed, but is now totally obsessed. Her face is on every side bar, her guest posts are popping up on every blog and she’s coordinating about ten different big giveaways per day.

The I’m A Writer Not A Blogger- Blogger
We know this simply because she reminds us of it in every post. And because she’s writing a book. Probably five books.

The I’m Going To Get Rich Blogger
She’s in blogging for one reason and one reason alone. To make all of the money that us bloggers are just rolling in! She usually lasts about a month. Tops.

The I Have A Big Chip On My Shoulder
She’s out there and chances are she’s mad at you right you. Why? Because blogging is just like high school and it’s all your fault. There’s cliques and cool kids and mean girls and everyone is against her. As usual. She’s written emails to “big bloggers” and they never responded so that means all bloggers are evil.

The Let’s Be Best Friends Because I Think Your Blog Is Getting Popular Blogger
You don’t have to find her, she finds you. And you’re probably going to be besties for a few weeks. But as soon as your sparkle wears off she’s going to disappear as fast as she appeared.

The You Copied Me Blogger
Because you did. You know that photo you posted of your dog? Well she posted a photo of her dog last week and now YOU copied her. You also stole her link-up idea, her layout design, and her hair color. Everyone is copying her because she invented blogging.

The MIA Blogger
But wait, where did she go? Nobody knows. Nobody ever knows.

The Real Person Blogger- Blogger
The bloggers you find who are just like you, real people. Real people with real problems and even though they may choose to focus on the good in their blog, they don’t sugar coat the bad either. These are my favorites and I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’ve met more of these people in blogland than any other. There’s a lot of you out there, so thank you for that!

And now I’m going to provide you with a list of bloggers that I think fit into each category…
Jk. But wouldn’t that be kind of fun?

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  1. May 15, 2014 / 2:12 am

    All of this is spot on! I kinda want to *pick* which category that I should fit in–
    The Real Person Blogger. Sometimes, I will whine about my Grief or being a Bereaved Parent, sometimes I have absolutely NO purpose behind my post, and other times I just want to jump on the "Cook Kids" bandwagon and participate in a link up.

  2. May 15, 2014 / 2:22 am

    I'd like to think I'm the "real person blogger" category, but I think I'm still in the "just here to have a good time" section for now. Especially since I don't actually think anyone READS my little blog. So in a way I'm really just talking to myself anyway. And the last thing I want to do is put pressure on myself. But I have to admit this "link up" thing is intriguing….

  3. May 15, 2014 / 3:53 am

    Haha these are so spot on, especially the OCD blogger.

  4. May 15, 2014 / 5:14 am

    As much as I would like to be the Real Person Blogger, I'm probably The I'm Just Here To Have A Good Time Blogger.
    It would have been a little bit fun if you did list a few who fit into the catagories!
    Those MIA bloggers – where do they go? somewhere in a place with missing socks?

  5. May 15, 2014 / 5:52 am

    Haha, that list would be fun, funny AND useful πŸ™‚
    I'm a little nervous where I fit into this space but I'm hoping it's number 15.

  6. May 15, 2014 / 7:11 am

    hahaha Let's all start wearing name tags with our blogger type identified!!! "Hi, my name is The Trainwreck Blogger"!!

  7. May 15, 2014 / 7:57 am

    Is it horrible that you just go through the list and associate so many people with each category.
    I do agree that most of the bloggers I have met, and come to love are definitely those of the "Real Person Blogger"!

  8. May 15, 2014 / 8:14 am

    Yes! We need a list of bloggers that fit in here, though I can think of some for each category;) Love this, you have a knack for coming up with blog posts that are so truthful I find myself nodding along while reading.

  9. May 15, 2014 / 8:35 am

    dangit, why do you always come up with the best ideas?! also i was thinking about each blogger that fit into this category as I went along… I'm evil.

  10. May 15, 2014 / 8:55 am

    im pretty sure I have been in each of those categories at some time. I try to be real, but let's face it, we all like to brag a little.

  11. May 15, 2014 / 8:57 am

    You crack me up. I like to think that I'm a real person blogger but who am I kidding, I'm sure everyone thinks that…. time will tell. πŸ™‚

  12. May 15, 2014 / 9:05 am

    I'm not sure how your posts are always on point – but I definitely had a blogger in mind with each and everyone of those!!

  13. May 15, 2014 / 9:05 am

    I am probably at least five of these and I'm cool with that. The MIA blogger I miss the most is Karly Kim…quit your new job Karly Kim and come back to blogging. I miss you and your dog.


    P.S. Thanks for always bringing the funny. <3

  14. May 15, 2014 / 9:19 am

    I'm not a blogger at all, just a reader, but the #blessed thing made me laugh out loud. My daughter and I always laugh when somebody writes that.

  15. May 15, 2014 / 9:21 am

    You killed it with #blessed! And yes, there needs to be a list…although I'm sure we all have our own ideas of who fits in each category!

  16. May 15, 2014 / 9:43 am

    YES!! This list is spot on:) The humble bragger blogger is my favorite. ex: Here's a list of the creams I use so that I have zero wrinkles and my skin looks like a baby's even though I'm 5 years older than you. Each tube only cost hundreds of dollars per .0003oz. I promise you only need a dab, though:)

  17. May 15, 2014 / 10:14 am

    Lol! These blogger types are sooooo on point! Actually when I think about it, all your blog-related posts are hilariously on point. You've got a good grasp on the blog world missy πŸ™‚

  18. May 15, 2014 / 10:49 am

    bahaha! awesome. Gosh I hope I'm a "real person blogger" but now I'm all itchy and nervous about it…maybe you should have included the list lol. The trainwreck blogger and the this just comes easy to me blogger are my favorite. I have a love/hate relationships with "this just comes easy to me" bloggers

  19. May 15, 2014 / 11:24 am

    hahaha "Blog or die" too funny that I could think of at least one blog for each category.

  20. May 15, 2014 / 11:28 am

    category 16: i am in love with your blog blogger.

    that's me. i fit that one!

  21. May 15, 2014 / 12:10 pm

    I'm an asshole for thinking of the people that might fit into those categories… but this was a fantastic idea.

  22. May 15, 2014 / 12:35 pm

    I feel like I'm the "I'm just here to have a good time" blogger but who knows, someone may look at it and consider me the "Trainwreck" blogger.

  23. May 15, 2014 / 12:55 pm


  24. May 15, 2014 / 1:31 pm

    oh I would love an example of each post. that would just be fun and spectacular. So what if it makes us "mean girls". I mean it all worked out for Cady Herron in the end…

  25. May 15, 2014 / 2:12 pm

    HA this is so true!! I was making a mental list of the bloggers that fit into each category…this is too good:)

  26. May 15, 2014 / 2:42 pm

    I definitely had a few faces pop up in my mind for each of these πŸ™‚ Once again, you so intuitively summed up everything important in life!

  27. May 15, 2014 / 2:46 pm

    Lord this is spot on!! I'd like to think I am "please don't let anyone know in real life I blog" blogger and a "I fricking love my hobby!" blogger. Also, drunk blogger. (Write drunk, edit sober!)

  28. May 15, 2014 / 3:53 pm

    Soooo good! You're like the Ellen DeGeneres of the blog world, "it's funny because its true" is always the best humour.

  29. May 15, 2014 / 4:32 pm

    Bahaha I love this. So spot on!! πŸ˜‰

  30. May 15, 2014 / 4:40 pm

    hahaha love this!!! I'm totally three: Just Here To Have a Good Time (I've been blogging for years and until the past six months, only had about 20 followers. I don't pay a cent for my blog or make a cent off it. I blog because I find it fun, therapeutic, and my family likes it), the TMI Blogger (no shame, it's how I am in person too) and thankfully the last, Real Person (I sure as shit share my struggles but I try to highlight more of the good so I'm not that whiny bitch)

  31. May 15, 2014 / 5:30 pm

    I guess that's the thing I like about having an expat blog – even if you have as little as 10 readers, it's mostly expats, hence they live in 5 different time zones (at least) so posting at a specific time doesn't really make sense. also you can post whatever you want because they are interested in random details from the place you're living at.

    or maybe I just genuinely don't give a damn.

  32. May 15, 2014 / 6:45 pm

    Yepp, encountered all of these. I'd like to believe that I'm the Real Person Blogger. Although this week I've been sick, so I've basically been the MIA blogger. Shit happens.

  33. May 16, 2014 / 12:04 am

    haha. That's awesome. I'm fairly new to the world of blogging, or at least interacting with other bloggers (I had no idea there was this whole blogger world out there), but can totally relate to that list. Very entertaining.

  34. May 16, 2014 / 12:16 am

    Wait. Can we be in love? Seriously, I just fell in love and perused (best word) your blog for a while. I have a girl crush. And a blog crush. It's getting crazy.

  35. May 16, 2014 / 12:17 am

    yep. nailed it. and I thought of a blogger or two that would fit well under each category, too. Fun game!

  36. May 16, 2014 / 11:31 am

    I can't get enough of your blog. You're too funny, and I think we both fit into the "real blogger bloggers" category. You could even add the inspirational bloggers because I sure do look up to you!


  37. May 17, 2014 / 4:37 pm

    Haha.. I'm surprised no one has come up with this idea yet. Mind you.. you probably stole it off of TheYouCopiedMeBlogger……

  38. May 21, 2014 / 12:50 pm

    haha such a funny-because-it's-true post! LOVE the real person blogs! Those are my favorite, too.

    BTW, really wish you would have listed the blogs under each category!!

  39. May 25, 2014 / 8:47 am

    I had a good laugh over this post. This is all so true. Yes, you should probably make a list of bloggers that fits into each category. Hihi.. πŸ™‚

  40. June 10, 2014 / 5:20 am

    Good blog post.I'm definitely Real Person Blogger.

    Speaking of which, can I add that men blog too, you know.
    It is not exclusively a female activity…!

  41. June 10, 2014 / 11:13 am

    i am just now seeing this – but oh man that was a great post! πŸ™‚

  42. March 1, 2016 / 3:07 am

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