What I’m Packing For Hawaii!

I got a bright idea last week that went like this, “I’m going to write one of those fun posts about what I’m packing for Hawaii!”

Fun, right? Sure.

So today, roughly five days before we leave for Maui, I set out to write said post. And about two minutes in I realized it was not fun at all. It was actually the opposite. It’s funny how I get these ideas about things I want to do and don’t stop to consider “these ideas” are not me at all. I don’t pack until six hours before a trip and I certainly don’t lay all of my shit out on a white blanket the week before a trip.

YET HERE WE ARE. So we are going to push through with this post one way or another and I hope we all enjoy it. Affiliate links will be used.

Some things to note: I am packing more than this photo may suggest.

Things not pictured: dresses, sneakers, cardigans (so many cardigans. I travel with 2-3 always) a cozy sweatshirt, a panama hat, denim jacket, rain jacket, you get the idea, this photo is a blanket of lies. But I got lazy after trying to fold three shirts and didn’t realize what I had gotten myself into.

Also left out of this image: my pre travel anxiousness.

I’ll spend the 2-3 months leading up to a trip getting super excited. My joy is almost child-like in the early months. I daydream about the vacay at night, I look up images to get excited, and I stalk the resort where we’ll be staying to build anticipation. I basically go all in. Until.

Until the week before when I start to get super itchy about everything that could go wrong. I’m not even talking about travel related stuff, or losing luggage, etc, none of that really bothers me too much. I start to get anxious about leaving work for six days. What if no one buys a –tshirt for SIX DAYS and my business just stops? What if I get a terrible email while I’m gone that I don’t see for five days? WHAT THEN?

Or what if something happens to Har while we’re gone.

It should surprise no one I get very weird about leaving him for more than a day or two. He is well taken care of when we’re gone, a friend stays here with her own Vizsla who is Har’s exact age. I know he’s happy and safe and well fed but still. What if…

Where was I? Oh yes, everyone look at the clothes I’m packing! I’m doing this post right, right? Okay, cool!

On the left you’ll see stripes. Lots of stripes and lots of flowy beach pants. Because my plan is to read and relax a lot.

On the right you’ll see athletic clothes. Because Chris’s plan is to hike and explore a lot. Will be fun to see where our plans meet up!

Yellow beach pants were $60, now $29!

In the middle you’ll see a Kelly Kapowski one piece. (I was feeling bold when I ordered it.) I’m hoping I’m still feeling bold in Maui and will wear it more like a bodysuit with the denim cut offs. Striped bikini top found here.

I ordered a lot of tank tops from Madewell for all of the daytime shenanigans we’ll be doing! Not sure what those will be yet, but I’m excited to find out. I’ll report back- wearing the WOMEN tank shown above. 🙂

And then we’ve got the Adidas fanny pack. A frivolous buy, yes. But very necessary for all of the exploring and hiking, I’m sure. Same with the animal print jelly sliders. (They’re $19 and wide fit, so how could I not!)

Lastly, the athletic shorts from Outdoor Voices. I’m not sure how athletic we’ll get on this trip, but I shall be prepared!

Well, Game of Thrones is on now, so I’ve got to wrap this up. But it’s been fun! Stay tuned for my next post: what’s in my carry on. Spoiler: it’s food!


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